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Discover the Benefits of Laminating with PUR Glue

Views: 135     Author: Site Editor     Publish Time: 2023-07-05      Origin: Site

Laminating is a process that involves binding layers of materials together. It is a common practice used in various industries including printing, packaging, and woodworking. In order to achieve a durable and long-lasting lamination, the adhesive used is crucial. One adhesive that has been gaining popularity in recent years is polyurethane reactive (PUR) glue.

PUR glue is a one-component moisture-curing adhesive that offers strong adhesion and a durable finish. It is a type of adhesive that is commonly used in laminating processes because of its superior bonding properties. Discover the many benefits of using PUR glue for your laminating needs.

Durable Finish

One of the biggest advantages of laminating with PUR glue is that it provides a durable finish. The adhesive creates a strong bond between the layers of material, resulting in a finish that is almost impossible to separate. With this type of adhesive, the lamination will withstand wear and tear over time, making it a worthwhile investment.

Strong Adhesion

It offers an incredibly strong adhesion, even when exposed to harsh environmental conditions. This makes it an ideal choice for lamination processes that require strong bonding, such as lamination of high-traffic floorings, signage, and outdoor posters. When laminating with PUR glue, the materials will remain secured, thereby making them less susceptible to damage.


Water Resistance

One of the major drawbacks of traditional adhesives used for lamination is their inability to withstand exposure to moisture. However, with PUR glue, this is not the case. The adhesive creates a water-resistant finish that can withstand exposure to water and other liquids. This makes it ideal for applications such as lamination of food packaging, outdoor signage, and marine applications.

Fast Curing Time

Another benefit of using PUR glue for laminating is its fast curing time. Unlike traditional adhesives which can take several hours or even days to set, it typically sets in less than an hour. This means that laminated products can be handled and processed almost immediately after the lamination process, resulting in faster turnaround times and increased productivity.

Increased Productivity

Using PUR glue for laminating can increase productivity in several ways. Firstly, as mentioned earlier, the fast curing time allows laminated products to be handled and processed almost immediately after the lamination process, reducing downtime. Second, its strong bond means less adhesive is needed per lamination, reducing waste and lowering costs.


Another advantage of using PUR glue is its versatility. The adhesive can be used to bond a wide range of materials together, including paper, plastic, metal, and wood. With its ability to create a strong bond, it is ideal for a variety of applications such as laminating posters, book covers, and even cabinet doors.

Environmentally Friendly

Finally, it is an environmentally friendly adhesive. Unlike traditional adhesives that contain volatile organic compounds (VOCs) which contribute to air pollution, it is free of VOCs. Additionally, it creates less waste as its fast setting time reduces the amount of adhesive needed per lamination.


In conclusion, laminating with PUR glue offers several benefits, including a durable finish, strong adhesion, water resistance, fast curing time, increased productivity, versatility, and environmental friendliness. Whether you are laminating posters, book covers, or high-traffic floorings, it is an adhesive that will ensure a long-lasting and effective lamination.



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